Rubble Disposal Debris Removal Cost

Rubble Disposal / Debris Removal

At the time of renovation, brick walls, flooring, wall plaster, marbles, granites and sanitary item’s rubble removed after breaking and collected in plastic bags on site by the contractor. Which is required disposal from the site to free the space and dump new materials required.

Rubble is collected in house or in the society premises to get it clear at the one time by calling truck or tempo, which depends on the rubble size collected.


Truck (Lorry)

Mini Tempo

Interior Design Services Online CivilLane


  • Above rates are mentioned for one truck or tempo at a time.

  • Rubble bags are collected by the truck driver’s team of labourers.

  • Rates can be varied as per location and city.

  • CivilLane doesn’t provide truck & tempo services for rubble disposal.